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Vol 1, Ed 1 — 2023, June

Happening with HEPI

We completed our second annual teacher training in May with twelve participants. During the inside teacher training, Neil, Kyle, and Rudy led discussions about classroom dynamics, the power of language, and the goals and outcomes of the associate degree program.

The second day of training at WVU focused on pedagogy, protocols, course design, feminist approaches, and our time at Greene.

Inspiring Change Collective Think Tank

The Inspiring Change Collective made incredible progress on their proposals for new educational and creative arts programming at Greene, such as the ongoing development of a podcast, bookclub, peer mentoring, mental health resources, increased vocational opportunities, and an inside advisory council for HEPI. We hope to be able to continue to meet, though perhaps less frequently.

Thank you to the Appalachian Community Think Tank for paving our way.

Course Updates

The World Languages course taught by Dr. Lisa Di Bartolomeo, FCLT 281: Vampires: Blood and Revolution, recently concluded with final presentations about vampire archetypes.

The summer start date for ENGL 101 with Dr. Laura Brady is June 8th.

Fall semester begins for WVU the week of August 16th. CRIM 461 with Dr. Jim Nolan and WRIT 490 with Dr. Nathalie Singh-Corcoran will start in this timeframe.

Haikus by Inaugural Cohort Member Sean

The thirst never ends

This water by the spoonful Never touched my lips

. . .

Divine alchemy

Clear to brown to red to me Blissful calming rush

Alumni Updates

Steven Lazar, a former student of Dr. Ryan, was recently exonerated and released.

"My life is spectacular today. It’s beyond my wildest expectations. Even my problems are a delight. Yet still I have an immense obligation on my shoulders. My life is a voice for all the men still sitting in cages. For those that have given up hope, I’d ask you to reconsider."

Jodi Link started a new job as Counseling Associate at Ascension Recovery Services where she will be developing substance use disorder facilities nationwide and working to expand Medicaid for incarcerated people.

Carrie Miller started her new job as Staff Attorney at Habeas Corpus Division of Public Defender Services.

Congratulation to everyone. We are so proud of you!

HEPI Highlight

Ray, Inaugural Cohort Member

I'm grateful for the opportunity the associate degree program has provided me. As a person who's incarcerated, I never thought I would have the opportunity to expand my education, but thanks to this program, I now feel like I'm heading in the right direction.

I am also thankful for the group of people I have been surrounded with--I have met some of the best people, professors, and students. The best part of this journey has been the people I'm on this journey with, and I look forward to every meeting and seeing everyone's face.

If I was to be asked what has been my favorite part of this program, I would say the activities and ice breakers. I know we all were nervous our first couple of meetings, but the activities allowed us to ask questions, laugh, and get to know each other.

My favorite memory from working with this group has been seeing everyone smile when we first walk in the room. It has made me feel welcome and at home. Looking forward, I'm hoping we're able to continue and expand this program, because if it's helpful for me, it could be helpful for all.